
Click here for a list of places where Dina has spoken.

Available for book club visits–in person or on-line. I am happy to offer the following programs, or to customize a program to meet your needs. Please contact me if you are interested.


I would be happy to visit your organization and show slides of my trips to Homestead, Florida and/or the border and talk about the current issues being faced by immigrants and those seeking asylum. This would include short readings from either Immigrants or Here in Sanctuary–Whirling followed by discussion.


Using Escaping Into the Night as part of a Holocaust Education Curriculum:
This workshop provides educators with a history of the Bielski partisans and the family forest encampments, and an introduction to the novel, showcasing specific sections that could generate student writing, discussion, and related educational activities centered around both the Holocaust and important themes of students’ lives today.

Facilitating Writing:
This workshop covers approaches of stimulating writing in the classroom through the use of physical prompts, lines of poetry, and interactive activities. It will also cover useful and supportive guidelines for responding to student writing in progress.


Classroom Visits: I would be delighted to visit your classroom or book club in person or on-line and could offer you a variety of options:

* Escaping Into the Night: (Grades: 6-8) In this program discuss the history of the forest encampments, show pictures of the dugouts in which people lived, and read from and discuss the book. Program could also feature live performance of a song that was sung by the Jews when they were leaving the ghettos.

* Playing Dad’s Song: (Grades 3-7) Readings from the book could center around the following topics.

Bereavement—Using writing, art, music, or other creative forms of expression to heal from loss and generate happy memories.

* The Writing Life—Often students I visit want to know about the writing life: How much do I write? What do I do when I get bored or stuck? What inspires me? Etc. I am happy to lead a presentation or discussion covering these issues.


(For groups of all ages)

Setting Place—This program covers how to research and create settings, with exercises and activities to help participants create a sense of place in their writing.

Revision—In this workshop showcases the differences between the first, subsequent and final drafts of a section of a novel, and discusses the thought process and reasons made for the revision. It also includes exercises to help participants revise work in progress.

Jump-Starting the Page—This workshop consists of creative exercises and the establishment of an extremely safe and supportive environment to get the inspirational juices flowing.

Freeze-Framing—This specialized revision workshop focuses on how to expand key moments in a piece of fiction to achieve greater plot potential and character development.

Comedy Improvisation and Writing—This hands-on workshop uses comedy improvisation techniques to generate and discuss the elements of good writing.

General Writing Workshop—A combination of writing exercises geared toward jump-starting or developing a specific aspect of craft. Based on participants’ wishes, workshops can also include empowering and constructive critiques of works in progress.


Getting Started and Staying on Track: How to Keep Writing Despite Children, Jobs, and Other Distractions of Daily Life: In the past twenty years, I have written seven novels along with numerous plays, poems, and short stories while raising two children and holding down a full-time job. This workshop explores tried and true methods for staying focused and continuing to write, as long as you have the motivation and desire.

Public Speaking for Terrified Writers: Afraid to speak or read in public? This workshop provides tips to manage anxiety, plan effective presentations, and increase confidence.

Contact Dina if you’d like to set up a book signing, school visit, book club discussion, writing workshop, or other special event.


4 thoughts on “Programs

  1. Dina,
    I really want to take your class, which started yesterday. Right now, it is impossible. I am trying to complete a book, move to AR from TX and take care of a daughter who is now living with me. Will you offer it again? Barbara

    • Hi Barbara,

      Thanks for your interest. I will keep you on my list and let you know if I offer the class again.

    • Christine,
      There are many good resources out there for people pursuing self-publishing. I haven’t gone that route, but I wish you a lot of luck with it.

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